IL² Update August 2022 – Your inner Leader’s Moment of Truth
If it’s not a “Hell YES!” then it’s a “NO!”!
Short review
Earlier this year, I published a blog post titled “Ignite your inner Leader, ignite your Life” (or IL² for short), in which I asked what story we want to tell ourselves by the end of 2022.
Here’s the promised
IL² Update August 2022 – Your inner Leader’s Moment of Truth
Are you already making real experiences from the perspective of your version 2.0?
How does that feel to you? Is there a joyful “Hell YES!” or a clear “NO!”?
If you are unsure… Make use of the mirror laws: Look at how those around you react to you when you talk about your new experiences.
And then comes the moment of truth. What is it that you REALLY want to give your precious lifetime for?
Maybe your mind is still screaming “BUT you can’t just…!”. But, if you listen to your inner leader… Is there already that – maybe still quiet – “Hell YES!”? Have the courage to listen carefully.
Ignite your inner Leader, ignite your Life
End of August 2022: If it’s not a “Hell YES!” then it’s a “NO!”! What is it that you say “Yes, ok…” to when it’s actually a “NO!”? What is it that you say “Maybe better not…” to when it’s actually a “Hell YES!”?
Ignite your inner leader, ignite your life.